Trump Leaks Confidential Communications

Dateline Wash, DC:

Donald Trump leaked details of a confidential conversation between FBI Director James Comey and the President of the United States, where Comey allegedly acknowledged the FBI had no open investigation on the president’s personal involvement in the Russian attempt to interfere in the 2016 presidential campaign.

The disclosures were from a private one-on-one meeting between the president and Comey in the White House.

Trump made the unauthorized disclosure in a letter May 9th, from the president to Comey, which was leaked to media by Trump operatives.  The disclosure immediately went “viral” making headlines across the nation.

FBI Director Comey was caught completely by surprise, as he was addressing FBI officials on the opposite end of the country.  Comey had no comment in response to the bombshell dislosure.

In other news, the week following Trump’s unauthorized leak of the private communications, FBI Director Comey released to the media additional information from a detailed memorandum of private communications with president, made contemporaneously at the time of the communications.  The release to the media came through a trusted source close to Comey.

The white house, which had no objection to the earlier unauthorized disclosure by Trump, was inexplicably critical of the subsequent release of additional information by Comey about their communications, which provided a more complete context to the Trump disclosures made the previous week.